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Dr. Kayle Wathen

Dr. Kayle Wathen,
Registered Acupuncturist

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) you learn that good health isn’t only the absence of illnesses and diseases in one’s body, but the complete physical, mental and emotional well-being of an individual. I work to help people find balance within these aspects to achieve optimal health.

I first began my education within the biomedical sciences but was drawn to TCM due to the values placed on treating the body as a whole. While there may be imbalances going on the require more attention, TCM allows me to ensure that all concerns are recognized when I am treating my patients. This not only gives me the opportunity to find lasting solutions but gives those who are being treated by me a voice within their own healing.

Acupuncture is a great therapy that can help treat an abundance of concerns. I have had great success in treating chronic pain, sports injuries, PCOS, anxiety, allergies, IBS, nicotine dependence and insomnia to name a few. I enjoy making people feel better, so I enjoy treating all conditions. I have been a resident of the Tri-Region for most of my life. I am an active volunteer with boards and community initiatives within Spruce Grove and the Tri-Region.

In Her Element

The element I most identify with is earth. The qualities I have that represent this element are dependability, compassion and logical thinking. I am most in my element when I am caring for patients or out in the woods – enjoying nature with my dogs.


Please note: to book a NEW PATIENT VISIT with Dr. Kayle you must call or text the clinic at 780-571-3536. ONLY follow-up appointments may be booked online. 


Dr. Kayle Wathen | (780) 571-3536