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Are hot flashes a sign of menopause?

hot flashesHot flashes, also called hot flushes, are usually the most common symptoms of menopause.  There are other symptoms like loss of energy and insomnia, anxiety, depression, mood changes and tension. You maybe surprised to know that 3 out of 4 woman experience hot flashes. Some woman begin having hot flashes before menopause, and when they are still getting a period.  Hot flashes/night sweats are a sudden feeling of heat in the upper part of your body.

There is a natural solution. Did you know that hypnotherapy can assist you with this?  Most women who have a session with a trained professional report milder symptoms in as little as one session.  Some women report that the symptoms have been so mild that they do not notice them anymore.  Most women report having a better nights sleep, and other positive symptoms after a session.

Since hypnosis isn’t mind control, it is not a quick fix.  You have to want to relieve your symptoms and with help of a trained professional, we will work with you to find the solution without negative side effects, and provide a natural approach. Have questions about hypnotherapy? Check out my post here or reach out to me anytime.

Cheryl Otterbein,  RTC, HT, C.Cht, NCFAC, NCRNC